Mișcarea Verzilor



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Verzii europeni

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Green Hosting

Public statement

8th of Aprilie 2011

Public statement regarding the International Roma Day
Political representation – the safest way in building a strong minority-majority relationship in Europe

The Greens Movement would like to salute the ethnic Roma members from Romania, the neighbouring countries, Europe and from all over the world. Despite recent actions from some western European governments and the permanent ignoring by governments from eastern Europe, we consider this is the moment when the foundation for a better relationship between the Roma community and the ethnic majority community from Europe can be laid.

We welcome with satisfaction the interest shown by the European institution to the rights and the situation of the Roma community. However we would like to draw attention to the fact that the europeanisation of the policy regarding the Roma community does not imply the responsibility transfer from national governments to European institutions. Moreover, policies must be aimed at local and regional level, where cases of exclusion and discrimination predominantly appear.

European, national and local policies must however be actively monitored and influenced by those involved. The Greens Movement salutes the development of a dedicated and experienced Roma civil society which contributes to policy design and implementation. However, these efforts are not enough.

The only way through which members of the Roma community can ensure policies are efficient is by creating them themselves through the means of political representation. Civic participation must be doubled by a complementary political participation. The members of the Roma community must take part in the voting, at all levels, and choose parties, candidates and platforms that represent their interests.

The Greens Movement encourages the development of parties that adopt both the representation of Roma and that of minorities in general. We publicly declare ourselves open to co-operation with political organizations of the Roma community. Furthermore, we publicly and unequivocally open our organization to include Roma community representatives at all levels. We believe that the key to a solid relationship is the co-operation within trans-ethnic political organizations, which educate their members and which propose public policies consensually agreed upon.


The Greens Movement

office @ miscareaverzilor.eu
biroul.de.presa @ miscareaverzilor.eu

Claudiu Crăciun, Co-preşedinte
0744.811.564 , 0768.002.692
claudiu.craciun @ miscareaverzilor.eu

Remus Cernea, Co-preşedinte
remuscernea.ro @ gmail.com

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